How will I know the products are genuine and not fake?

We only List the products only after verifying the seller and every product which gets listed in checked before the listing is done. We have no tolerance policy against the sellers if they list any products which are not branded or which are unauthorized.

Is it necessary to have an account to shop on Sehaaonline?

You need to have an account to shop on sehaaonline. By creating your own sehaaonline account, you can enjoy a personalized shopping experience, including recommendations, quicker checkout and a public wishlist. You will also be able to rate/review products and sellers.

How do I pay for a Sehaaonline purchase?

Sehaaonline offers you card payment options. You can use Credit/Debit/ Internet banking options. Given the online mode of payment, you can rest assured that Sehaaonline's trusted payment gateway partners use secure encryption technology to keep your transaction details confidential at all times.

How do I know my order has been confirmed?

Once your order has been logged and payment authorization has been received, the seller confirms receipt of the order and begins processing it.

You will receive an email containing the details of your order when the seller receives it and confirms the same. In this mail you will be provided with a unique Order ID, a listing of the item(s) you have ordered and the expected delivery time.

What is the standard Delivery time of the products?

As our standard practice most of the shipments will be delivered between 7 to 10 working days from the purchase date; However few products might take upto 45-60 days to get delivered to you due to the nature of the product. Do check the DELIVERY STATUS mentioned on every product page.

For any information contact our support team [email protected]

Can I order a product that is 'Out of Stock'?

Unfortunately, products listed as 'Out of Stock' are not available for sale. If you want the same product then you can fill the form and we will inform you about the availability and delivery time of the product after confirming the same from the seller.

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